Writing Tips
Here is a step-by-step guide by Dr. Hani to help students write psychological science manuscripts efficiently and effectively.
How to Write A Psychological Science Manuscript [1:23:00] [Example]
External Resources:
EndNote Resource by NUS Libraries
How to Use EndNote in 7 Minutes (macOS)
How to Use EndNote in 7 Minutes (Windows)
Data Science
Here are some video tutorials created by Dr. Hani to teach psychology majors how to manage data and conduct data analyses in R. The goal is to make data science more intuitive for psychology students. Simply click on the video you wish to watch below. To learn R scripts, click on the "Code" button on the side and then the Download button.
We welcome constructive comments (email: hanizainal [at] nus [dot] edu [dot] sg). Improved tutorials will be updated once sufficient feedback has been compiled. Thank you.
Managing Data in R
Basic Tutorial 1 Reading Data Sets in R [24:18] [Code]
Basic Tutorial 2 Managing Continuous and Categorical Variables in R [16:38] [Code]
Basic Tutorial 3 Managing Missing Data & Data Preprocessing in R [47:59] [Code]
Basic Tutorial 4 Creating a Publication-Ready Correlation Matrix with Descriptive Statistics [9:43] [Code]
Basic Tutorial 5 Reshaping Data [20:17] [Code]
[Code for testing Mediation assumptions in 'Data Preprocessing' section]
[Code for testing Moderation assumptions in 'Data Preprocessing' section]
External Resources:
1. Set working directory in Rstudio [Mac vs. Windows]
2. Import CSV files in R [R-Blogger] [Mac vs. Windows]
Multilevel Modeling in R
Mediation & Moderation Analysis in a Randomized Controlled Trial [Code]
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using lavaan package in R
Structural Equation Mediation Modeling in R [47:08] [Code]
Moderation in a SEM Framework in R [20:22] [Code]
How to Plot SEM Path Diagrams Efficiently [9:45] [Download]
Meta-Analysis Techniques
How to Screen for Eligible Studies Efficiently [15:14]
Computing Cohen's d, Log Odds Ratio & Partial Correlations using metafor in R [42:19] [Code]
(Example: Adherers vs. Non-adherers)
External Resources:
Systematic Reviews by NUS Libraries
Publish or Perish Software by Harzing